Thank you, Sara, Diversify, and The Smile Foundation for helping us to go on our amazing school trip to Gulliver’s Valley. We all had an amazing time on the rides, it was so much fun.
“I went on the big wheel. They were like big balloons. I liked to go high and it was really good. Me and Bogdan had lot’s of fun.”
Y1 Pupil
“The play areas were so cool.”
Y1 Pupil
“I liked all the rides. I liked the train best because it went so fast. The pretend horses were so good, they were moving but it was just a ride.”
FS2 Pupil
“Miss Baldi went on the water ride with us, we got so wet.”
Y1 Pupil
“Our children fully engaged with this amazing experience and we were so proud of their fantastic behaviour.”
Miss Palmer
“I went on the ride with Nela, it was so slow but nice. I like the music and I like spinning round.”
Y1 Pupil
“It was so fun on the train. It was a good day out. I liked all the rides but not the dinosaurs.”
Y1 Pupil
we hope everyone had a brilliant day and we hope to see everyone again soon!